PTP – Steps for contact process completion

Frame of reference, we are on contract with PTP to help them regear their sales process. These are steps i am sending in word doc today to summarize and provide theory. This is read-only FYI. IT is good to store this for overall business knowledge learning

CHECK LIST FOR AE MoSCoW contact list completion

Nick has asked for a simple check list for completion of MoSCoW contact list dev for guidance or as a check of completed.  All steps are provided so that we have this as a re-useable document. 

This will be kept simple on this page.  I believe in sharing theory and explanation so those that wish to see deeper into what we do what we do.  Completely optional read.

Check List

  1. Determine your assigned accounts.  Classify as Must-Should-Could-Won’t

  2. Starting with M accounts: create a list of contacts that will be pursued.  This list should be built with “broad and full sweep” in mind.  See page for definition of “broad and full sweep”.

  3. Creating a full list is a multi-research-source effort.  Confirm with the CSO your planned sources to ensure consistent contact sourcing.

  4. What are potential sources
    1. First – your personal contact base
    1. Second – proactive research on Apollo
    1. Third – research generated for you – hiring needs list on sites
    1. Fourth – LinkedIn, in such ways you can use it
    1. Other – as provided by PTP and the CSO

  5. Create a spreadsheet to hold the contacts and their data

  6. In the spreadsheet indicate connectivity category
    1. Leads you want to personally work – no P&G or email program
    1. Leads for full Cadence work-through – P&G and email program

  7. Turn the list over to the correct sources for inload into the CRM system. Set call Cadence

  8. Suggested:  go through a batching exercise to call groups of contacts in weekly batches

The Theory Behind the Activity

  1. Broad and Thorough Sweep

The overall goal is maximizing the connectivity and prospecting focus into each account.  We have experienced ‘less relationships in more accounts’. Our goal is to have ‘more relationships in less accounts’.

The next goal is to not think entirely transactionally.  Staff Aug requirements come-and-go.  We want the contacts in our accounts to ‘think of us first and only’ as requirements occur over the monhs, quarters, and years.

A Broad the Thorough Sweep strategy includes a re-contact strategy parsing out at least 1 year – with planned recontact cycles of AE contact, email and P&G

  • The use of P&G and Email

P&G and Email offer the option for the increase in count of connectivity attempts in a Cadence cycle. 

P&G:  Correctly configured:  P&G has two communication functions: (1) announce you will be calling and a value gained from taking the calls. (2) provide a simply, broad reason to meet – and ask if the contact would like to schedule a meeting or be recontacted

Email:  Correctly configured:  Email has two communication functions:  (1) provide indepth information on the company via content or PDF information sheets.   This is done early in the email cycle in main Cadence (2) indicate trying-to-reach cadence is in action; provide simple succinct facts that differentiate our services as a reason-to-connect


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