Monday note
Good morning. It is a crucial time to provide you with explicit steps to take – on deploying a cogent system that incorporatese all the features of what you want. It seems apprropriate to have some contributions done today.
In order of priority spin up
- Sales person outbound cadence.
- Then integrate additional steps in cadence with email and LI connectoin
- then integrate P&g as twins
This gets us established with cadence – over 4 weeks. and adds in piece by piece to
fill in the middle – cogently, expertly.
I will work very very hard to do this as quickly as possible. – in terms of provind you and eric with support matierials to do it.
Keeping in mind I put Eric way up thee in respect , admiration, colleague-ship and being a servant leader. I also see he will accept a AE caendence that is structured completely wrong, and does not contain even the most basic of support items.
I can help him – Nick – in good spirit, servant leader mindset, with my special sklls at your dispolsa. Please send a time to meet – so I can confirm.
on the P&G side.
We have about a years head start. We cannot dally. But, I want to focus on deployment of P&G internally for 2months and get the Twin model up, the New Account Intro model up – and working.
Then we have very stable models to take to market, I will rush like heck to get them there with some other twists and turns of massive advantgage to us.
This is $20 million or more in your pocket by end of decade. I look forward to making this a huge win for you and when it is a huge win for you, it is a huge win for me.
A P&G deployment plan including AE twin and NewCo prospecting is due and quickly.
My afternoon and evenhing is open you.
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