Mercedes and John Week_02 Calendar

Day: Work + embeds
Night:Writing-blog and/or Chat-Sales Thory

Day: Work + embeds
Night: Sex: “Mercedes Gets Interviewed” chapter + embeds

Day: Work + embeds
Night: Chat-our business model

Day: Work + embeds
Night: Sex: relive “Mercedes Gets Interviewed + emeds

Day: Work + embeds
Night: Travel: Lake Tahoe

Day: tbd
Night: Sex, “First Swinger Party”

Two chapters next week

Week 2, Chapter 1
Tuesday night
“Mercedes gets Interviewed”

Focus on a private meeting at Jan’s and Bill’s place, where I’d meet Jan’s two young studs and experience an intense sexual encounter while being watched by all of you.

Week 2, Chapter 2
Friday (or Saturday) night
“First Swing Party”

Jan’s hotel swinger party and engaging in a mix-and-mingle scenario, possibly leading to a passionate encounter with a couple

Mercedes: Agreed, I’m glad we can communicate openly like this. It makes everything easier and less complicated.


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